Total Brain Boost Review {Scam}: Side Effects, Does It Work?

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Total Brain Boost

Total Brain Boost Review: The market is flooded with brain-boosting supplements, and Total Brain Boost is one of the latest to catch consumers' attention. With bold claims of enhancing mental agility and cognitive processing speed, it’s easy to see why people might be intrigued. However, with so many products out there, it’s important to verify these claims to protect yourself from potential scams. This article will provide a thorough analysis of Total Brain Boost, including user reviews, expert opinions, and scientific studies, to reveal the truth behind this product.

Total Brain Boost Claims

The manufacturers of Total Brain Boost make some pretty impressive claims. They state that this supplement can enhance mental agility, improve cognitive processing speed, and support overall brain health. They also tout the benefits of natural ingredients, suggesting that the formula is both safe and effective.

However, there are several red flags to consider. While natural ingredients can indeed support brain health, the effectiveness of Total Brain Boost’s specific blend is questionable. The company provides little evidence to back up these claims, and the sourcing and quality of these ingredients are not well-documented. Without transparency about where these ingredients come from or how they are processed, it’s difficult to trust that this product is as effective as advertised.

Moreover, the marketing tactics used by the company raise concerns. The bold claims and lack of substantial evidence make it seem like Total Brain Boost could be more about hype than actual benefits. While natural supplements can be beneficial, the specific formulation and the vague details provided by this company are problematic.

Company Behind Total Brain Boost

The company behind Total Brain Boost has a questionable reputation. Numerous customers have complained about the ineffectiveness of their past products, as well as side effects that were not disclosed upfront. Their customer service has been consistently poor, with many users reporting issues with getting refunds or even basic responses. The company's marketing practices have also been criticized for being misleading. With a bad rating on the BBB (Better Business Bureau) and a history of broken promises, there’s a high chance that Total Brain Boost is just another letdown like their previous offerings.


Total Brain Boost lists several ingredients that are commonly found in brain health supplements. These include Ginkgo Biloba, Bacopa Monnieri, and Phosphatidylserine, all of which are known for their cognitive benefits. Ginkgo Biloba is often used to improve memory and cognitive speed, while Bacopa Monnieri is recognized for its potential to reduce anxiety and improve brain function. Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid that plays a key role in maintaining cellular function in the brain.

However, while these ingredients are generally safe and have some supportive research, the effectiveness of Total Brain Boost’s specific formulation is unclear. The product lacks transparency regarding the dosages of these ingredients, which is critical for understanding its potential benefits. Moreover, the inclusion of synthetic fillers or harmful substances cannot be ruled out, as the ingredient list provided by the manufacturer is not entirely clear or trustworthy.

In comparison to other credible supplements, Total Brain Boost falls short. The lack of detailed information about the exact ingredients and their sources raises concerns about the product’s authenticity and safety.

How Does Total Brain Boost Work?

According to the manufacturer, Total Brain Boost works by enhancing neurotransmitter activity and increasing blood flow to the brain. They claim that this leads to improved mental agility, faster cognitive processing, and better memory retention. The supplement supposedly achieves these effects through a blend of natural ingredients designed to support brain health.

However, these claims are not well-supported by scientific evidence. While the ingredients in Total Brain Boost are commonly used in brain supplements, there is little research to back the specific mechanisms by which this product is supposed to work. For example, while increased blood flow to the brain can theoretically improve cognitive function, the extent to which Total Brain Boost can achieve this is questionable.

Additionally, the lack of clinical trials or studies specific to this product makes it difficult to trust the manufacturer’s claims. Without solid scientific backing, the purported benefits of Total Brain Boost seem more like marketing tactics than reality.

Total Brain Boost Pros

  • Available without a prescription.
  • Easily purchased online.
  • Fast shipping.
  • Comes in an easy-to-consume form (e.g., tablets or gummies).
  • Attractive packaging.

Total Brain Boost Cons

  • Exaggerated claims without sufficient evidence.
  • Lack of research and clinical trials specific to the product.
  • Poor transparency about ingredient sourcing and dosages.
  • Manufacturer has a history of customer complaints and poor service.
  • Not FDA-approved, raising concerns about safety and effectiveness.
  • Potential for synthetic fillers or harmful substances not disclosed.
  • Difficulties reported in obtaining refunds or resolving issues with customer service.
  • Misleading marketing practices, making it hard to trust the product’s advertised benefits.


The feedback from users of Total Brain Boost has been overwhelmingly negative. Many customers have reported that the supplement did not deliver the promised results. Common complaints include a lack of noticeable improvement in cognitive function, despite taking the supplement as directed. Some users have also experienced adverse side effects, such as headaches, dizziness, and digestive issues.

These negative experiences suggest that Total Brain Boost may not be effective as a brain-boosting supplement. Despite the bold claims made by the manufacturer, the product appears to fall short of delivering tangible benefits.

Total Brain Boost Reviews

Here’s what some users had to say about their experience with Total Brain Boost:

Sheila Landon, 45, New York City:
“I tried Total Brain Boost for a few months, hoping it would help with my memory and focus. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice any difference at all. It felt like I was just taking a placebo. Total waste of money!”

Michael T., 52, Chicago:
“This product didn’t work for me. I was looking for something to help with my mental clarity, but instead, I got headaches and an upset stomach. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.”

Chancellor Connelly, 39, Austin:
“I read all the hype and thought I’d give Total Brain Boost a try. Big mistake! It did nothing for my brain function, and the customer service was terrible when I tried to get a refund. Avoid this product!”


  • Amazon: 1.5/5 Stars (⭐☆☆☆☆)
  • ConsumerLab: 2/5 Stars (⭐⭐☆☆☆)
  • Walmart: 1.8/5 Stars (⭐☆☆☆☆)

Where to Buy Total Brain Boost?

Total Brain Boost is primarily available for purchase online, through the manufacturer’s website and a few other e-commerce platforms. This limited availability might be a concern for potential buyers. The lack of physical retail presence raises questions about the product’s legitimacy and accountability. Customers have also reported issues with the ordering process, including shipping delays and difficulties in obtaining refunds. These problems make the purchase experience less than ideal and add to the concerns surrounding this supplement.


Total Brain Boost is priced at $69.99 per bottle, with discounts available for bulk purchases. While this might seem reasonable for a high-quality brain supplement, the lack of proven effectiveness makes it a poor value. There are other products on the market with better reviews, more research backing, and greater credibility that are available at a lower cost. Considering its questionable claims and potential risks, Total Brain Boost is an expensive gamble that may not pay off.

Is Total Brain Boost a Scam?

Yes, Total Brain Boost appears to be a scam. The product’s lack of credible manufacturer information, absence of endorsements from relevant authorities, and hidden details about its formulation are all red flags. The marketing tactics used to promote Total Brain Boost rely heavily on unsubstantiated claims and misleading information. Without solid scientific backing or transparency, it’s hard to see this product as anything other than a money-making scheme designed to exploit consumers’ hopes for better cognitive health.

Total Brain Boost Side Effects

Based on our research and user reviews, Total Brain Boost is not without its risks. Although the manufacturer claims that the supplement is safe, many users have reported experiencing side effects, including:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Digestive issues
  • Insomnia
  • Increased anxiety

These side effects suggest that Total Brain Boost may not be as safe as advertised. The lack of comprehensive safety testing and transparency about the ingredients further exacerbates these concerns. Potential long-term health risks cannot be ruled out, making this product a risky choice for consumers.


In conclusion, Total Brain Boost is not a trustworthy supplement. The lack of scientific backing, potential health risks, and negative user experiences all point to this product being ineffective and potentially harmful. The company behind it has a poor reputation, and the supplement itself does not deliver on its promises. Consumers would be wise to avoid Total Brain Boost and seek out safer, more effective alternatives. Consulting with a medical professional is always recommended when considering supplements for cognitive health.

Author Profile
Dr. Tavian Rector
Chief Medical Officer at Mayo Clinic | Website

Dr. Tavian Rector is a board-certified physician with over 20 years of experience in clinical practice and research at Mayo Clinic, where he specializes in nutrition and dietary supplements. At Mayo Clinic, Dr. Rector works on clinical research studies to advance the understanding of nutritional impacts on health. He guides the rigorous review process at to ensure medical accuracy, bringing his expertise in helping individuals make informed health decisions.

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